Sunday, June 8, 2008

OK, OK don't blame me!!!!

OK, don't bug me or come pounding on my door or anything because I have been busy, and I know all my adoring fans love me and would love to here from me, but I have been very busy; I will explain it all it now:
Right now, I am in Alaska because my cousin, Jacob had a bar-mitvah.

A bar mitvah or bat mitvah for girls is a celebration for a jewish child when they are 13 years old. They have to study hebrew for a long time and then, all their hard work comes out in 1 day, and then after there is a big celebration. I will explain more of that later.
OK, I am going to Denali National Park and I won't have the PC I am typing on right now, so I won't be able to write on my blog, but after that I will start typing away again like I did in the old days. Don't worry!! I will be camping for about 3 or 4 days.

Also, my shots have been very good. They are pretty easy. I am getting pretty good at it, if you ask me and so is my mom! There is also a BIG bonus also for going camping:

THE PEN SHOT THING WON'T BE ABLE TO BE REFRIGERATED SO..................................

So, I am wrapping it up!

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