Saturday, September 26, 2009

High Trails

High Trails is this thing that 6th graders do at my school. It is this program where you stay up in cabins for a few days and you do outdoor stuff like get up early and watch the sunset, or hike, or do outdoor activities and stuff like that. It is optional, but most people go, and you can get scholarships if you can't afford, but there is also Town Trails. Town Trails stays in town and you don't stay in cabins, you stay at your house, but you do cool stuff like watch movies, take hikes, go to Garden of the Gods, or Red Rocks, or stuff like that. I think High Trails sounds cooler, but I think it is awesome that they have that choice for people that don't want to go up in the mountain area, or if your parents won't let you or if you have a broken leg or something like that.

But I won't be here October 5-8 so please don't get mad when I don't write on my blog.
I am bunking with a girl named Lilly. I am on top. Yeah! I am in a cabin called Ponderosa.
I think it will be really fun, and I am really looking forward to it.

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