Saturday, July 11, 2009

Alright, My Last Post ( For Now) Might Be This.....

OK, my last post wasn't my last post, but this probably is, but if it isn't, you have more to remember me by! Not as if I am leaving forever or anything, just 14 days.

Alright, so remember to read, and comment, and enjoy my blog.
Please vote on the poll to the left, and read my side posts and everything cool to offer about my blog. I try hard, you know.

Please follow my blog, and tell your friends, so me and you can expand this blog together.
I will continue to write, not including the 2 weeks I am gone, and I will try my best, and bring on the best that I can bring to my blog.

Thank you, and tell your friends!

1 comment:

omilator said...

You are super cool and I hope you have an absolutely phenomenal time in camp. Just remember, of course -- something you probably know anyway, since this is your fourth summer (!) -- that every camp year is different and people change, including you, and you'll make new friends and some of your old friends may still be as wonderful as they were and some may not.... Just like in school. Which doesn't mean that this isn't shaping up to be the very best summer so far!!!! I also hope you have terrific weather! I forge if you like the horseback riding or not. I know you like the high ropes. And good luck with the shots, GenoGirl.
And now I'll check and see if your sister has written anything.