Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Shwayder Camp, as we know

Camp is on, as far as we know, so we are expecting to go to camp on Monday.
Did you hear that? MONDAY.

We will be gone for 2 weeks, so please wait patiently for us to return and tell about our adventures. You can read any of my earlier posts, and/or comment and/or vote on the poll. o, there is plenty to do while I am gone. Sorry for the sad faces.

Guess what? OK, well you don't actually have to guess, because I am going to tell you anyway.
I started packing for camp yesterday. This morning, Mom went over my stuff with me, and she is going to start labeling when she has time.

Also, over the weekend we will be busy and up in Boulder for a triathalon for my dad.
If you are wondering, if you are wondering, my dad is doing his 2nd Ironman in 2 years.
Why am I telling you this? To make my dad look awesome, but also to inform you that I may or may not have computer access and therefore might not get to post anything until after I get back. Sorry everyone!
Now, get away from your computer and do something else. That's right. Go. Go.
But this is not saying not to read my blog. Become a follower! OK, now go.

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