Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bat Mitzvah Project

Yesterday, I met with my Language Arts teacher to discuss what I could do for my independent project for school ( my goal in TAG) which could tie in with my Bat Mitzvah Project.

So far, my LA teacher and I have come up with getting recycling bins for the cafeteria.
My LA teacher, Mr. Markham sent an email to our principal, Mr. Smith and we are trying to set up a date to talk to him during lunch or after school.

If that got approved, we could move on to such like school sporting events, and other things like that, and maybe expand to getting sweatshirts and shirts and shorts for our school ( which we already have) but we could maybe make some of them green and out of 100% recycled material, and then maybe if we wanted to go that far ( this would take maybe a few years, but..) we could expand recycling to all D20 schools ( our school district) and that could turn into my Bat Mitzvah.

I want to know what you think.
If you don't even know me as in family or friend, or you don't even know what a Bat Mitzvah is, this doesn't concern you. :)

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Good luck with your project. These http://www.areyvut.org/project_ideas/ may be helpful resources & http://www.areyvut.org/project_ideas/ may be helpful resources. Mazal Tov!

P: 201-244-6702