Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Are you having problems?

Is anyone having problems with commenting on my blog?
I have heard that people are having trouble or can't, and if you are one of those people, please contact me, so I can try to fix that or tell me so I can help you out it I can.

My email address is up on my profile, but it is Natasha@patz.com.
If any concerns or anything about commenting, please email, and I will try to fix it. Thanks!


omilator said...

Did you see that David commented that he reads and loves all your postings on your blog?? I don't know if that's Cousin David or David who is married to Cousin Emily because I wrote to everyone telling them you were posting on your blog again. I think it's probably cousin David.

Oatmeal Cookie 63 said...

That is what I thought too~ but I don't know!