Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I am really annoyed right now.
Hayley, as you know, is one of my babysitters, and India, Hayley, and I were going to play The Game of Life and India and I both wanted to be banker . We both spinned the spinner and I got the highest number both times we spinned. India was so stubborn that Hayley just decided that she was going to be banker which I was sort of OK with because it would be fair, but in a way, it was unfair in every way because I was the one that spinned the highest twice. So, I just decided to walk away. I know we could have talked about it, but I already tried, and I didn't get the answer that I wanted, which doesn't always happen, but same thing, I could have been the banker and we would be playing now, but anyway. You probably don't want to hear about my problems, and minor problems at that, but do you think my idea of walking away was a good one? Please leave your comments below, and I will respond as quickly as possible.

Oh, and guess what? I hear them playing right now!
But, I guess they have the right even though I'm not there right?
Or do you think it is the job of the babysitter to make sure we are both happy and having fun?

Over and Out.

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